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  • Writer's pictureAlejandra Rossell

My sweetest Azul

Updated: Apr 17, 2018

Azul is an amazing girl who loves the ocean, riding horses, singing to herself, animals, playing board games (but hates losing!), sending and receiving postcards, reading before going to bed, pizza, and very tight hugs.

Azul was born very early on a Monday morning. My pregnancy was absolutely symptom-less and easy, but having no prior experience, I was terrified of the actual birth, so I spent the first 8 months wrapping my head around the idea and convincing myself to embrace what would come. Little did I know, even before being born, she would challenge all my plans and ideas. On the last check-up on week 36, the doctor realized I was running out of amniotic fluid so I had to be scheduled for a c-section- IMMEDIATELY, before contractions started. Everything was arranged and a couple of days later I was being poked with needles to get prepared for her arrival. I remember waking up right as she was being taken out of the room to get her cleaned and getting a glimpse of her tiny and fragile body. 

The first few weeks were slow and painful while I recovered from the surgery, but little by little we started getting used to each other, understanding each other's needs, and getting to enjoy every moment together, learning from each other, and growing in love and patience. She turned my life upside down, made me see things from a different perspective, and taught me a new way to see and explore the world all over again.  And because I have started this project quite a few years after she was born, all I can say is that the first 6 years of her life went by in a whirlwind of hugs and kisses, Sunday pancakes, trips to the park, movies and books, and an infinite amount of learning. So I am using this chance to gather for her some memories of her first 6 years back home (2009-2015), hoping that she will treasure so much more than pictures can show.

My dearest and sweetest Azul,  This journal is for you, to see how much you grow, how much you learn, and hopefully, what an amazing life you get to have.  As I write these words, my heart feels with the aching desire to see you become the wonderful human being that you have started out to be, my eyes fill with tears just to think of how unforgiving time is, never stopping even for a second, leaving us with nothing but the memories and experiences of everything that we do, and my soul overflows with the deepest desire to protect you from every single pain in this world, while still allowing you to experience everything that this life has to offer. I wish for you nothing but good memories picked up along the way, bad experiences turned into lessons learned, and above all, all the happiness that you so deeply deserve.  Love you more than you can ever imagine.

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